Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Rooftop process

I've got to figure out how to share video on this platform. Suggestions welcomed. I tried the built-in uploader, but it did not seem to like my iPhone videos, and wouldn't play once uploaded. So these stills will have to do!

Monday I set up on the roof with a little 8 x 10 panel. It was really overcast all day, which was great because the light didn't change much, and the grays of the buildings were pretty saturated. I almost always begin a painting with a wash of color--from a simple neutral to Transparent Red Oxide to whatever this was--I think a mix of TRO and Cad Red Light. I use a paper towel to wipe away the lights until I see the shapes I want. This is a fairly quick process--maybe 5-10 minutes tops. It gives me a sort-of Notan look, so I can judge design and value before I start. (This is after I've done a thumbnail sketch or two, which I tuck behind my panel on my easel while I paint).

I then work primarily dark to light. Someone on my Instagram post about this piece asked if it was hard to work around the supports of the towers--and the answer is yes--it is tedious, but I really can't get the darks like this in after lights are put down. I find it best to put them in, work around them, then  touch up the darks if I need to near the end. 

Next, the background and the foreground. Lots of shapes and perspective to contend with!

Last, the sky. It's hard to tell in this photo, but there are some super subtle value shifts in the sky. I love those, as well as the fun subtle hue and value shifts on and among the tall buildings in the background. This is New York, after all, and the buildings go way, way back, so there are lots of depth (= layers of atmosphere) even between the background buildings.

That's it! Wish I could've shared video of the view; hopefully, I can figure that one out before long. If you follow my instagram account, you'll see me post video in my story quite often. meanwhile, let me know if you know how I can do it here!

-julie davis


jimserrettstudio said...

Great work. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Barbara said...

One thought... upload your video to You Tube and then give the shareable link...? Great paintings, Julie!

julie davis said...

Thank you, Jim!

And Barbara, I should try that--I'm leery of having to learn and integrate yet another platform, but I should!